Factors which may impact cost of Brewery Equipment


You can come across breweries in different sizes and shapes, ranging from large commercial units to small micro-units. Hence, such systems are found to use a variety of processes depending on beer type to produce and degree of automation used. In large breweries, for example, making process is subdivided into multi-sections. This article provides an insight about Brewery Equipment cost that you need to be aware about before making the final decision to purchase.

Know the crucial factors impacting equipment cost

It is important for all breweries to first know the equipment cost including that of homemade beer brite tank depending on the volume desired to be produced. Three factors tend to have a direct impact upon the equipment cost. These are brewhouse capacity, used/new equipment and material sourced from.

  • Equipment material: The equipment typically is created using different material types. The common materials used are copper and stainless steel.
  • Equipment condition: Besides size, cost of the equipment might vary depending on if it is a used or a new one. Start-ups with limited budget tend to prefer investing in used equipment or quality, low-cost, homemade beer brite tank. Some of the commonly used equipment essential to operate a brewing business are: 
    • Boilers
    • Kettles
    • Fermentation tanks
    • Storage tanks
    • Kegs

Besides the above-mentioned items, there will be required filters, cooling equipment, bottlers, refrigerators, cleaning tools, etc. All these items are essential to start a brewery business, irrespective of its size and volume.

  • Brewhouse size: The brewhouse has to invest in different types of components such as a mash mixer, lauter tun, hot liquor tank, boil kettle and a whirlpool. 5-vessel brewhouse will be essential for larger units where every component can be termed to be a separate vessel. Depending on brewhouse size, equipment cost is likely to differ. Get more information from https://www.leydenbrewery.com/!
  • Fermentation tanks: Once wrote is prepared, the next step involves fermentation process. This process occurs within fermentation tanks to feature cone-shaped bottom. You can opt for small or large units depending on your desired production volume and budget.
  • Brite tank: Beer moves through a filtration process after which it gets pumped into another tank to undergo secondary fermentation. The tank used for this purpose is referred to as Brite. It allows clarification of the beer, carbonating it before transferring the same into bottles, cans or kegs. Beer at brewpubs, at times, is served from such tanks. Hence, you should shop for non-jacketed tanks whose price may vary depending on the model and size. Whatever be the size you desire to buy, you can contact a reputed homemade beer brite tank supplier to derive custom quotes.
  • Kegs: Brewers make use of kegs to store produced beer, although it is possible to store them in bottles or cans. Alternatively, they might sell or serve beer to restaurants and bars in kegs. Standard keg size is about 0.5bbl. To prevent spoilage as well as to protect beer taste, the kegs are to be washed regularly. Small breweries can use manual approach to wash kegs. However, the larger units will require a keg washer to reduce costs and ensure enhanced efficiency. You can consult the best homemade beer brite tank supplier China to get your desired products without compromising on the quality aspect.

Hence, different factors tend to control the equipment cost. It includes licensing, your location, brewhouse size and building expenses, etc. You need to take into account such factors while making the decision to buy them.

Click here for quality and affordable brewing system for your unit. You can order for the best quality commercial microbrewery systems from the leading suppliers.