The lawn can make or break a garden. When it is full of life, golden and sparkling with colour, it can be a beautiful sight to behold; something that adds a spark to the landscape. When it’s not, it can ruin the whole atmosphere.


That is why people spend so much time when it comes to managing their lawns and aiming for perfection. So how do they do it – and how can you follow in their footsteps? Here are three ways to do i:

1. Fertilise It Properly

You will be surprised at how fertilising your lawn can have a massive impact on its health, look and feel. People just think that dumping fertiliser on their lawn is all that is needed to ensure that their lawn will look perfect, but that is the furthest thing from the truth. In order to ensure that your lawn grows properly and with a fresh hit, you have to fertilise it properly. We suggest organising a schedule for the process, and doing it as instructed on the bag. If you follow this, you will be able to maintain your lawn for longer.

2. Look For Kew Landscaping Services

One of the most effective ways to ensure that your lawn is in prime condition is to ensure that it is managed by a professional gardener or landscaper. They have all the experience and know-how to manage the lawn; ensuring that it looks its finest, grows healthy and maintains its glow. So if you are ever stuck when it comes to managing your lawn – whether you want one-off work or a consistent schedule – then look to find a professional in your area. Our local company is AEP Landscapes – the best in landscaping gardeners in Melbourne – so you can reach out to them for any help that you need!

3. Water Wisely & Consistent

What happens when you water your lawn too much? It becomes over-watered and sloggy. What happens when you don’t water your lawn enough? It becomes dry and slowly dies. Water is one of the trickiest things about managing the lawn. There is a fine balance when it comes to managing it, as too little or too much can end up with a crappy lawn. The best way is to find the middle ground – and doing it on a consistent manner. Our recommendation is to look toward watering your lawn once a week in spring/autumn, twice in summer (cause of the heat) and once a fortnight in winter (as you’ll get more rain and cold weather).